Contact us at today to elevate your microbial testing process!
CompactDry™ is a simple and safe procedure for determining and quantifying microorganisms in foodstuffs, cosmetics and other raw materials, including pharmaceuticals. Compact Dry ready-to-use chromogenic plates are suitable for both in-process and final product controls.
Rigid transparent plates with removable lid
Keep your colonies intact with space between the media and lid. Easily remove the plastic lid for quick inoculation. Count your colored colonies clearly through the gridded back surface of the cassette
Designed for Stacking

Save precious incubator space with a product that is designed to stack in the incubator with low risk of contamination.

Ready to use
1ml sample dropped in the middle of the plate turns the dry media to gel that diffuses evenly and automatically on the plate. No need for a spreader. No need for an extra step.
Storage at room temperature

Keep storage simple with plates that come with long shelf lives and can be stored long term at room temperature.

CompactDry products

To ensure reliability, Compact Dry has obtained certifications from AOAC in the U.S. and Microval and NordVal in the EU and Japan.

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Aoac International

International Certifications

To ensure reliability, Compact Dry has obtained certifications from AOAC in the U.S. and MicroVal and NordVal in the EU and Japan

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CompactDry™ offers 16 different media for the following organisms:
To ensure reliability, CompactDry™ has obtained certifications from AOAC in the U.S. and MicroVal and NordVal in the EU and Japan