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Compact Dry LM


Compact Dry is a simple and safe procedure for determining and quantifying microorganisms in foodstuffs, cosmetics and other raw materials, including pharmaceuticals. The ready-to-use Compact Dry LM food chromogenic plates are suitable for both in-process and final product controls.

Compact Dry LM is a ready-to-use chromogenic plate for the detection and counting of Listeria monocytogenes de alimentos.

Matrix:Raw materials, finished products, environmental samples from the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, among others.
Incubation time and temperature:Incubate at 37 ° C for 24 and 48 hours.
Presentation:Packs of 4 units
Interpretation of results:

Red cologne surrounded by blue Listeria Monocytogenes blue cologne Listeria sppred cologne L. monocytogenes or L. ivanovii (confirmation needed), white or yellow colonies, other microorganisms different from Listeria spp.

Storage and shelf life:

Keep at room temperature, from 1 to 30 °C. 18 months shelf life.